Il Presidente del Kiwanis Club Palermo Nando Teresi comunica che il club di Palermo ha ricevuto il premio Gold Level membership in the
Impact Circle.
Qui di seguito la lettera del Presidente Internazionale John Button.
Dear Ferdinando
Palermo Kiwanis Club
Congratulations to you and all the members of the Palermo Kiwanis
Club on strengthening your club. A strong Kiwanis club is able to
have a bigger impact on the lives of children.
Thanks to your commitment to inviting and engaging your members
last year, your club has earned Gold Level membership in the
Impact Circle-a special group of Kiwanis clubs committed to
adding more hands and hearts to the service they do for others.
I'm also proud to provide a graphic for your club's electronic
and printed materials. A few other tokens of appreciation will
come in the mail soon.
This distinction is part of The Formula's recognition program,
which celebrates clubs and members. When members love their club,
share Kiwanis with others-then serve others, Kiwanis and the
entire community benefits.
You can find more information about The Formula's recognition
program online at www.kiwanis.org/formularecognition. I also hope
you will share with me your club's formula for excellence. Just
send an email to LoveIt@kiwanis.org.
Thank you again for making Kiwanis stronger as we launch our next
century of service to the children of the world. I look forward
to an even brighter future.
In Kiwanis service,
John R. Button, M.D.
2014-15 President
Kiwanis International