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Guidelines...(pdf) >>>

A. Community Service Programs - KI will delegate to KIEF the responsibility for managing and delivering all Kiwanis-branded service programs, as appropriate for Europe Kiwanis clubs, to include:
Kiwanis Junior Club (Europe) – see details in section 3. 
Service Leadership Programs (USA) – see details in section 4.
• Key Club  
• Circle K
• Builders Club
• K-Kids 
• Aktion Club
Young Children’s Programs and Projects
• Read Around the World
• Bring Up Grades
• Terrific Kids
Other Kiwanis-branded Programs
• Kiwanis One Day

KI will:
1. Provide program content, curricula, electronic artwork of any and all printed materials. For more detailed information see also KI Procedures section 400 – Service.
2. Maintain the duties of the organization defined in the various Kiwanis-family organizational bylaws, policies and procedures, including club chartering, status management, suspension and revocation.

KIEF will:
1. Develop and support program committees based upon program demand and growth in Europe.
2. Establish, collect and report a fee structure for the programs in Europe.
3. Ensure program integrity for all specified programs with regard to program content and curriculum, and brand and graphics standards.
4. Make its program-specific educators and trainers available for use by KIEF at other conferences and conventions as available and deemed appropriate, with any expenses to be borne by KIEF.

B. Global Service Initiative
• The Eliminate Project and associated campaign
• Worldwide Service Project: IDD

KI will:
include KIEF in the planning and coordination of The Eliminate Project, and the associated Global Campaign for Children.  This undertaking is fully defined as of the date of this document, and it is understood these initiatives will require collaboration, prioritization and support by all entities within Kiwanis International. 

KIEF will:
pledge to support the planning, development, fundraising, and implementation of the project and associated campaign.

The European Board, on proposals made by the president elect, shall appoint the following European committees for youth leadership and service, responsible for planning and implementing tools and systems for that purpose
A. Youth Leadership Committee:
It is the responsibility of the committee to promote and deliver all Kiwanis branded youth leadership service programs to districts and clubs in Europe, as and when appropriate for Europe, especially the European Kiwanis Junior program.
B. Global Service Committee:
It is the duty of the committee to assist the KI campaign team in the fundraising activities of districts and clubs.

Section 1 - Definition and Structure
- Definition
Kiwanis Junior is a sponsored program of Kiwanis International-European Federation and is limited to the Kiwanis districts and nations/areas within Region Europe.  Kiwanis Junior is a service club for young people between the ages of 15 and 26 years.  The program’s purpose is to provide personal, educational, and professional growth in its members through community service, leadership development, and fellowship activities.  Each Kiwanis Junior club shall adopt and adhere to the approved form for club bylaws for Kiwanis Junior, and shall elect officers and hold regular meetings. 

- Organization Structure
The scope of Kiwanis Junior shall be limited to local club and district sponsorship.  Kiwanis Junior is to have no structure above the district level. 
Kiwanis International-European Federation shall administer the Kiwanis Junior program, install and maintain database and information support, and collect all charter fees and annual dues.

Section 2 - Kiwanis Junior Clubs

- Sponsorship
When a club within Region Europe agrees to sponsor a Kiwanis Junior club, it does not agree to pay all costs associated with the functioning of the Kiwanis Junior club.  However, a sponsoring Kiwanis club may wish to provide financial support in some manner to the sponsored Kiwanis Junior club.  It is the responsibility of the sponsoring Kiwanis club to provide assistance, direction, and guidance to the Kiwanis Junior club. 

- Club Charter Fee
A charter fee of one hundred (100) Euro per club shall be paid by the sponsoring Kiwanis club, which requests chartering of a Kiwanis Junior club.  For the charter fee, the Kiwanis Junior club shall receive the charter, club banner, and pins for the number of members listed on the Petition for Charter, up to 10 members or more.  Until such time that the charter fee has been paid, a Kiwanis Junior club does not exist.  Only Kiwanis Junior clubs that have been issued and maintain a charter with Kiwanis International-European Federation may use the logos or trademarks of Kiwanis Junior, as well as participate in youth events organized by the Kiwanis International-European Federation.. 

- Annual Sponsorship Dues
To maintain a Kiwanis Junior charter, annual sponsorship dues of eight (8) Euro per member shall be paid by each Kiwanis club sponsoring a Kiwanis Junior club.   
Non payment of the annual Kiwanis Junior sponsorship dues to the Kiwanis International-European Federation within the administrative year by the sponsoring Kiwanis club will result in the placing of the Kiwanis Junior club on suspended status upon approval of the Kiwanis European Board.  Notification of suspended status will be sent to the sponsoring Kiwanis club president and the affected Kiwanis Junior club president with copies being distributed to the appropriate Kiwanis officials. 
Non payment of the annual Kiwanis Junior sponsorship dues by the sponsoring Kiwanis club for two consecutive years will result in the revocation of that Kiwanis Junior club's charter upon approval of the Kiwanis European Board.  Notification of charter revocation will be sent to the sponsoring Kiwanis club president and the affected Kiwanis Junior club president with copies being distributed to the appropriate Kiwanis officials. 

- Dates of Club Charter
A Kiwanis Junior club is to be considered chartered during the administrative year if the Petition for Charter, completed Standard Form for Club Bylaws, and charter fee are mailed to the Kiwanis International-European Federation’s secretary and postmarked no later than midnight, September 30, of that year. 
Upon receipt of the above-mentioned material and payment, the Kiwanis International-European Federation’s secretary will provide a charter to the sponsoring Kiwanis club for presentation. 
The date that will appear on the charter will be the date that all of the required materials arrive in the hands of the Kiwanis International-European Federation’s secretary. 

- Club Membership Requirements
A Kiwanis Junior club must obtain and maintain a minimum of ten (10) active members to obtain and retain a charter from Kiwanis International-European Federation. 

Section 3 - Kiwanis Junior District

- Sponsorship
When a district within Region Europe agrees to sponsor a Kiwanis Junior district, it does not agree to pay all costs associated with the functioning of the Kiwanis Junior district.  However, a sponsoring Kiwanis district may wish to provide financial support in some manner to the sponsored Kiwanis Junior district.  It is the responsibility of the sponsoring Kiwanis district to provide assistance, direction, and guidance to the Kiwanis Junior district. 

- District Membership Requirements
There must be a minimum of ten (10) Kiwanis Junior clubs in a district prior to a Kiwanis district submitting proposed bylaws for the creation of a Kiwanis Junior district.  If at any time the number of Kiwanis Junior clubs in a district drops below ten (10), then the district status is suspended by Kiwanis International-European Federation and will not be re-issued until such time that the ten (10) club minimum is again obtained. 

- District Operations
District operations for Kiwanis Junior shall be governed by the Kiwanis Junior district bylaws, Kiwanis district policies, and the Policies and Procedures of Kiwanis International-European Federation.  The maintenance of all Kiwanis Junior district records shall be under the supervision of the Kiwanis district Board.  The Kiwanis district office may provide assistance and storage area as possible.

- District Administrator
The Kiwanis Junior district administrator shall be directly responsible for the proper conduct and direction of administrative functioning within the Kiwanis Junior district.  The district administrator or an approved representative of the Kiwanis district Board shall give guidance to all meetings of the Kiwanis Junior district Board of officers, the annual Kiwanis Junior district convention, and all other authorized district functions. 

- District Board Meetings
The Kiwanis Junior district Board should hold two meetings annually, one of which shall be in the fall and the other at least one month prior to the district convention.  Other meetings may be called, as needed, when approved by the district administrator. 

- District Board Activities
The Kiwanis Junior district Board shall study ways and suggest means for building and strengthening Kiwanis Junior clubs in the district.  Worthwhile local Kiwanis Junior club activity and administrative suggestions should be disseminated in written form to all Kiwanis Junior clubs in the district as a service of the Kiwanis Junior district. 

- District Convention and Events
The Kiwanis Junior district convention shall be held annually at a place, on dates, and under conditions approved by the Kiwanis district Board.  It is recommended that the Kiwanis Junior district convention be held in conjunction with the sponsoring Kiwanis district convention.  Each Kiwanis Junior district shall adopt a code of conduct for their conventions. 

- Club Officers Training Conferences
Kiwanis Junior club officers training conferences may be scheduled, preferably on a weekend or during a vacation period, subject to the approval of the Kiwanis district Board or the district administrator.

- District Travel Funds
District Kiwanis Junior travel funds may be used by district officers in attending district Board meetings, conventions and training conferences, and visits to clubs, as required by the Kiwanis Junior district Board.  No other travel funds are recommended unless the Kiwanis district Board specifically approves such funds.  Correspondence should be the primary means of communication.  Excessive travel by district officers, even if at the officers' own expense, may be limited by the district administrator. 

- Division
The Kiwanis Junior division is a part of the Kiwanis Junior district organization and is used for administrative purposes of the district.  The division is headed by a Kiwanis Junior lieutenant governor, who is an elected Kiwanis Junior district officer.  The Kiwanis Junior division will have no officers other than those referred to in the Kiwanis Junior district bylaws. 
While a Kiwanis Junior district is in formation and Kiwanis Junior clubs are formed, a Kiwanis district may wish to create a Kiwanis Junior division for administrative purposes. 

- Minimum Standards for District Financial Operations

A. Financial Counselor:  The Kiwanis district Board of trustees, if requested by the Kiwanis Junior district administrator, shall appoint a Kiwanian to serve as the financial counselor to the Kiwanis Junior district.  The financial counselor shall be an official representative of the Kiwanis district Board and shall be responsible to same. 
B. Budget:  Each Kiwanis Junior district shall work within an established budget of income and expenses as approved by the Kiwanis Junior district Board of officers and the Kiwanis district Board of trustees.  The Kiwanis Junior district budget shall be prepared by the Kiwanis Junior district governor in conjunction with the Kiwanis Junior district administrator and the financial counselor, if any. 
C. Collections and Disbursements:  The collection of district dues and the disbursement of district funds shall be the responsibility of the Kiwanis Junior district Board and shall be supervised by the Kiwanis district Board of trustees through the Kiwanis Junior district administrator and/or financial counselor. 
D. Accounting:  As a continuing procedure, a complete and standardized system of financial records and financial accounting shall be created for the Kiwanis Junior district by the Kiwanis district Board of trustees.  The financial counselor and/or the Kiwanis Junior district administrator shall also supervise the preparation of and verify the accuracy of any and all periodic reports concerning the financial condition of the Kiwanis Junior district as required by the Kiwanis district Board.
E. District Convention:  In order to assist the Kiwanis Junior district administrator and/or financial counselor, the Kiwanis district Board may appoint a Kiwanian in the host city of the Kiwanis Junior district convention to act as a financial advisor to the Kiwanis Junior district convention.  In any event, it is incumbent upon the Kiwanis district Board of trustees, through its representation, to: 
1. Supervise the deposit, disbursement, and recording of convention receipts; 
2. Supervise the preparation of financial reports by appropriate Kiwanis Junior district Board members concerning the district convention as required by the Kiwanis district Board of trustees; 
3. Provide such financial reports to the Kiwanis district Board of trustees within 90 days of the close of said convention; and 
4. Report to the Kiwanis district Board of trustees and the Kiwanis Junior district administrator the knowledge or belief that operations or plans will exceed the approved convention budget. 

Section 4 - Kiwanis Junior Conferences

- National/District Conference
One Kiwanis Junior conference may be held once each year at the national/district level.
This conference may be held in conjunction with the Kiwanis District Convention or Nation Conference.  The sole purpose of the Junior conference should be educational in nature and further the growth of Kiwanis Junior in Europe.  The conference shall be held in a manner so as not to violate the standard form of Kiwanis Junior club or district bylaws. 
- European Conference
One Kiwanis Junior conference may be held once each year.
This conference may be held in conjunction with the Kiwanis International-European Federation.  The sole purpose of the conference should be educational in nature and further the growth of Kiwanis Junior in Europe.  The conference shall be held in a manner so as not to violate the standard form of Kiwanis Junior club or district bylaws.

Section 5 - Kiwanis Junior Events

- Kiwanis European Youth Camp(s)
Kiwanis International-European Federation, in coordination with the Kiwanis districts and nations, may organize in Europe Youth Camps for members of Kiwanis Junior Club in order to develop Kiwanis leadership skills, education, program promotion and service.
- Kiwanis Youth Exchange Program
Kiwanis International-European Federation, in coordination with the Kiwanis districts and nations, may install a Kiwanis Youth Exchange Program for individuals and organized groups for a period not to exceed one (1) year.
Purpose of such an exchange program is to educate Junior members on cultural differences, Kiwanis International life and promotion of the Kiwanis Junior program.

A sponsor Kiwanis Club applies for a host Kiwanis Club in a foreign District/Nation.  All exchange program participants are entitled to be sponsored by a Sponsor Club and hosted by a Kiwanis Club in foreign District/Nation.

Section 1 – CIRCLE K
1) Circle K is a service club for university students. The program‘s purpose is to provide personal growth in its members through community service, leadership development, and fellowship activities. Each Circle K club shall adopt and adhere to the approved form for club bylaws for Circle K, and shall elect officers, hold regular meetings, and adhere to a club committee structure. Membership in a Circle K club shall cease at any time the member shall become a member of a Kiwanis club.
2) Each Circle K club outside of the regions of U.S. and Pacific Canada and Canada and Caribbean shall be chartered in accordance with guidelines set at the time of approval of district sponsorship and support. An annual membership fee may also be paid by each member of each Circle K club within the same regions. The amount and payment date shall be set for each district, shall be approved by the Kiwanis International Board, and shall be collected by the appropriate Membership Support Center.
3) Each Circle K club outside of the regions of U.S. and Pacific Canada and Canada and Caribbean that is not a member of a district or federation shall be an affiliate of Circle K International and as such shall have the right to use the name, logo, emblem, and other trademarks of Circle K International as long as it shall abide by the policies and procedures of Kiwanis International.

Section 2 – KEY CLUB

1) Club is a service club for students between the ages of 14 and 19 years. The program‘s purpose is to provide personal growth in its members through community service, leadership development, and fellowship activities. Each Key Club shall adopt and adhere to the approved form for club bylaws for Key Club, and shall elect officers, hold regular meetings, and adhere to a club committee structure. Membership in a Key club shall cease at any time the member shall become a member of a Circle K or Kiwanis club.
2) Each Key Club outside of the regions of U.S. and Pacific Canada and Canada and Caribbean shall be chartered in accordance with guidelines set at the time of approval of district sponsorship and support. An annual membership fee may also be paid by each member of each Key Club within the same regions. The amount and payment date shall be set for each district, shall be approved by the Kiwanis International Board, and shall be collected by the appropriate Membership Support Center.
3) Each Key Club outside of the regions of U.S. and Pacific Canada and Canada and Caribbean that is not a member of a district or federation shall be an affiliate of Key Club International and as such shall have the right to use the name, logo, emblem, and other trademarks of Key Club International as long as it shall abide by the policies and procedures of Kiwanis International.

Section 3  - BUILDERS CLUB

Builders Club is a service club for students between the ages of 10 and 15 years. The program‘s purpose is to provide personal growth in its members through community service, leadership development, and fellowship activities. Each Builders Club shall adopt and adhere to the approved form for club bylaws for Builders Club, and shall elect officers and hold regular meetings

Section 4 - K-KIDS

K-Kids is a service club for students between the ages of 6 and 12 years. The program‘s purpose is to provide personal growth in its members through community service, leadership development, and fellowship activities. Each K-Kids club shall adopt and adhere to the approves form for club bylaws for K-Kids, and shall elect officers and hold regular meetings. Involvement of the parents of K-Kids members should also be encouraged.

Section 5 – AKTION CLUBS

Aktion Club is a service club for adults who live with a disability. The program‘s purpose is to assimilate club members into the mainstream of society through community service, leadership development, and fellowship activities. Each Aktion Club shall adopt and adhere to the standard form for club bylaws for Aktion Clubs, and shall elect officers and hold regular meetings. A co-sponsoring community agency or other organization, which serves the needs of adults with disabilities should be identified to provide necessary expertise to support the Aktion Club.



del 01/06/2013


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