Dear Class,
It was terrific to see so many of you in Detroit. What a kickoff to our year of celebration! I hope you had as great a time as Debbie and I did. It was a busy week but I loved every minute of it. Thanks to those who were able to be a part of it. To those who couldn't, remember this was just a warm up for Indianapolis in June.
207, 292 - that is our membership as of January 31. This represents a net growth of 3,563 since October 1. Our year is 1/3 over and we have achieved net growth in every month. A reason to be pleased? Yes. What you are doing is working. A reason to let up? No. September looms. Please ask your clubs to keep their rosters current so that we can avoid the September blood-letting.
47 new Kiwanis clubs since October 1. And 4 more since February 1. We are opening new clubs at a rate not seen in 5 years. As KIEF President Vincent recently observed, "Our growth in Europe is due to the opening of new clubs." His observation reflects what the experience over the years tells us. Congratulations to Elio, Johan, Dan, Melvin, Allan Sira, Alan Guire, Serge, Jim Dooley, PR, Susanne (her District sponsored a new club in a new K-nation, Bangkok Thailand) and Keizo Ogawa (acting governor Japan). We also have a new club in Kampala, Uganda. The Formula is working! Keep working closely with your Formula team and don't let up.
Over $75 million. That is where the Eliminate fund raising campaign currently stands. The campaign team will be consolidating initiatives and introducing new ones in the coming weeks. The Centennial Award is proving to be very popular. Our guest speaker at the Detroit celebration wanted one on the spot as soon as he learned about MNT. (He also wished to join our e-club and Bob and Brian were on hand to accommodate him.) We are racing to the finish line. We started fast. Let's finish faster!
Debbie and I are about to hit the road. In the next few weeks, we will be in LaMissTenn, Pacific Northwest, Florida, Georgia, the Philippines, CalNevHa, Taiwan and Malaysia on the Centennial tour. And home for Easter. We hope to see many of you on the way.
Whatever it takes - and then some,
Dr. John