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ButtonDear Governors,

It's here - 2014-15!  Congratulations to all of you.  And on behalf of a grateful organization, I say thank you.

Your predecessors, the class of 2013-14, have opened the most new Kiwanis clubs (178 as of 1500 hours today) in 5 years.  They have worked diligently to strengthen existing clubs.  Thank you for supporting them.  It is clear that all of President Gunter's efforts are turning our membership ship around.  Let's not let up and keep the membership momentum growing.  Love it!  Share it!  Live it!

The Eliminate Project is heading in to the home stretch.  To date, we have raised in excess of $70 million and I believe that our goal of $110 million is in sight.  Let's make it happen in our year.

We're 100 years old.  Debbie and I are looking forward to the Centennial tour and seeing so many of you.  We are really excited about the plans for our International convention in Indianapolis in June.  It will be a convention like no other with the emphasis being on our members, giving them the experience of a lifetime and giving our next century a great welcome.  But let's not wait until June to celebrate.  "Come early and stay late."

Ready!  Set!  Go!

Whatever it takes and then some,

Dr. John and Debbie

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Tutto per celebrare il Centenario

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