Attività per data - Attività per Club
Per la pubblicazione delle attività rivolgersi a
Rosalba Fiduccia
Il Luogotenente
dott. Carmelo Cunsolo
Dear Patty,
as lieutenant of the 2nd Division of Kiwanis “Etna Patrimonio dell’Umanità”, I have promoted a partnership with the Institute of Arts of Catania - ‘Emilio Greco’ and its students co-ordinated by their teachers. During this venture the students have created 30 art creations that can be viewed on the Facebook page “Colori e Non Solo” – Kiwanis Italia D2.
My desire is to keep the unit shows so I ask to be able to donate to Kiwanis International at its headquarters in Indianapolis can be preserved and put on display for all Kiwanians ed for esemple to Eliminate action.
Also we. realize donations doing found. reasing with copies of paintings
I kindly ask to accept this authorisation to implement this activity that could be held on the 30th September, so that I will be able to complete my service in favour of EliminatE of Kiwanis.
Best regards,
Carmelo Cunsolo