Per creare un S.L.P. (Service Leadership Program)...
...basta compilare uno dei moduli sotto allegati per la richiesta della Charter
Charter a K-Kids club (for elementary students)
Charter a Builders Club (for middle school/junior high students)
Charter a Key Club (for high school students)
... e fare un versamento
The fee for a KKids club is $180.00.
The fee for a Builders club is:
o Option one: US$500 (charter kit includes gavel/gong, charter banner, cards, certificates, pins and additional resources)
o Option two: US$380 (charter kit includes charter banner, cards, certificates, pins and additional resources)
o Option three: US$380 (charter kit includes gavel/gong, cards, certificates, pins and additional resources)
o Option four: US$220 (charter kit includes cards, certificates, pins and additional resources)
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